Siphon Finance
2 min readJun 19, 2021


The question that has been on everyone’s mind “wen NFT” will be answered right now, but lets also answer the question that has been on madcow’s mind “how do we keep the pools from getting invaded by bots the second the contract is live”
The answer we have come up with is a burn lottery.
How will it work?:
Each person who wishes to be entered into the random draw for a place in the NFT pools will be required to send 1 SPHN to the burn address: 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dEaD
each SPHN you send to the burn address (up to a maximum of 5 per wallet) will enter your address once into the draw, if you burn 5 SPHN your address will be entered 5 times. To avoid people burning huge amounts of SPHN and being upset if they did not get a ticket to the pool we made the limit 5.

on Monday the 21st of June at 5pm UTC the snapshot will happen so anything burned after that time will not be counted towards the draw. we will post the winning addresses later on the 21st and we will make another post on the next step for the winners.

The draw will be random and will consist of 20 winners for the Fortress Siphon and 20 winners for the Waultx Siphon, and winners will be whitelisted for the first slots in the NFT dividend pools which will pay each winner 1% of all yield made by their respective siphon airdropped on a biweekly basis. we are also setting aside a portion of $CLOCK yield to give each NFT holder a daily bonus in $CLOCK to ensure the dividend pool is worth joining with all the other available SPHN options.

You can check the status of how many SPHN are currently being counted towards NFT pool tickets by watching the dead address SPHN contents at the following link:

Good luck to everyone,
Peace, Love and “Moo”



Siphon Finance

Siphon Finance creates a liquidity siphon through yield aggregators that continually buys back SPHN to add to liquidity